

I am a developer who enjoys server side technologies, encryption and privacy. I also love networking (The TCP/IP kind) and writing software revolving around such stuff.

Evil Apple Juice is a program I wrote that uses a US$1.5 ESP32 to send BLE advertisements causing spam popups on iOS devices (just a bit of trolling…)

qbit-race is a utility I wrote around managing torrents, sending notifications and configuring rules to extract the maximum “racing” performance out of qBittorrent. Loved by members of the seedboxing community, it’s one of my projects I am most proud of.

kiryuu is a bittorrent tracker I wrote in Rust. Inspired by bittorrent & my interest in peer-to-peer technologies, I decided to write my own tracker, the first being in typescript. I deployed it for public use (at, and after hitting performance limits, rewrote it in Rust.

stdinman is a small tool I wrote to stream arbitrary audio from stdin to Discord via a bot, with the initial goal to play my Vinyl for my friends.


My software engineering experience lies primarily in backend technologies, though I also do dabble in infrastructure related components such as docker / kubernetes and the like. I am a huge typescript fanboy, slowly getting converted to Rust, and also write a fair amount of Go.

For all my projects, I like to implement and do as much as I can myself - for instance avoid using tiny libraries (which usually exist for a good reason) and instead write the implementation myself. This stubornness has led to me learning a lot of things which I otherwise would have taken for granted.

As an example, I wrote my own Prometheus exporter for my bittorrent tracker kouko, which allowed me to have very fine grained control over how the metrics were exported. I like to host all my projects myself, which has taught me a lot about deployment and infrastructure management, such as using reverse proxies (my favorite being nginx), TCP tuning the kernel when dealing with large request volumes, handling domains and SSL certs, and of course, monitoring & logging! (Thanks Grafana & Prometheus & Tempo & Loki)


Email Me! and please use my PGP key to encrypt all communications.

I use arch, btw